Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Marketing Campaign.

Nike has become an internationally recognised sportswear brand for professional athletes and enthusiasts. Today the brand has employed over 40,000 people worldwide and makes over $20 billion in revenue globally. However, recent research suggested the company was losing sales within the female market to competitor Asics. The research outlined, females were more confident in wearing Asics footwear for running and recommended it to other female runners, however, women still preferred to wear Nike clothing.  
The overall objective of the marketing campaign was to increase the sales of female running shoes, within the Australian female market. The campaign began by collaborating with the agency Razor and together they created feature editorials, advertising, social network sites, and a physical and digital community of runners.

Nike used social media to begin their campaign and in doing so discovered that females preferred to run in the evenings, however were afraid to run alone.  This theme became the basis for their marketing campaign and inspiration for their 13k running event across Sydney, in the dark.  

Source: on October 30th

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